Monday, September 22, 2008

Nearly A Month!

I was talking to Kim last night on Skype when she was like, "Scott, you've almost been gone for a whole month."  At first I didn't think much of it, but now, just a day later, I'm thinking, "woah, that's a long time.  Of course, in the grand scheme of life, I know it hasn't been but a blip on the radar.  However, in the course of my Costa Rican life, it has been nearly a third of my experience. That is an  interesting thought.  I don't know how to react to it to be honest.

In my last post, I talked about a routine.  Well, based on my experiences in internships and in college, I've learned that it takes about a month to get into the real routine.  You get used to things after about 2 weeks, but after a month, everything has repeated at least once.  So, in my routine, I've learned that I love Tuesdays.  I have this nice break during my day where I can basically do whatever I want!  It is great!  I write letters, read, relax and do all of those things that I have been meaning to do...that and run errands.

Last weekend, we went to Monteverde.  It is in the mountains, near the Pacific Coast, specifically, Nicoya Bay.  When we arrived, we could see all the way out to the other penninsula.  The highlight of the trip was by far the ziplining and canopy tour on Sunday.  We got harnessed up and then took a gondola all the way up a mountain.  We then had to climb a tower just to go on the first zip across the ridge.  We kept on going higher, faster and longer on each successive zip.  There is nothing like that feeling.  You really felt like you were flying.  Pure exhilaration and fear, at first.  By the end, you just wanted to enjoy the time floating through the air.  In terms of the canopy tour.  It really must be something to live in and on the tops of trees.  To stand up in the air and really feel nature around you is quite an experience.

I'm enjoying my internship a lot.  It is interesting because it is like any government job in the U.S.  I like that fact, in a weird way.


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